I'm an education innovator (eduvator?) currently based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
I'm an education innovator (eduvator?) currently based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
I've spent my life exploring what it means to learn and love, bravely and wholeheartedly, while creating more opportunities for others to do the same.
My journey has taken me through a few different careers, research specialisations, and learning environments - from universities to glaciers to vineyards to casinos to spaceports to schools and beyond. You can find out more by checking my "About" page or, if you want the more formal version, my Resume.
I'm always keen to connect with others who want to share stories, ideas, or the road for a while. If you would like to connect or collaborate with me, please get in touch. I’d love to hear from you.

Here's a crash course on some of my thoughts on education, the COVID-19 pandemic, and digital equity:
Here's a crash course on some of my thoughts on education, the COVID-19 pandemic, and digital equity:
Plus, a personal interview on my journey this year.
Plus, a personal interview on my journey this year.